Nefesh would love to help you arrange your baby naming.
Please read info below and then email [email protected] to check the availability of a date you had in mind.
Fees contact [email protected]
Aliyot (Call-ups):
During the Shul service, the baby's father is called to the Torah as per a regular Aliyah (call-up). After his Torah portion is read for him, Rabbi Moss will make a blessing on the safe arrival of the baby, the well-being of the mother and will also ask the father at that point for the baby's Hebrew name to include in a blessing and naming.
Traditionally the parents make donation to the Shul in honour of the occasion, that is left up to you.
If you would like additional Aliyot (for friends or family) Rabbi Moss can try to include them as well but that will depend on what else is being celebrated or commemorated in Shul that day.
Before the day, please email [email protected] with the following Hebrew names:
- The new baby's (If you prefer you can tell Rabbi Moss on the day, though usually people run it by him in advance).
- The baby's father (inc. Kohen/Levi/Israel)
- The baby's paternal grandfather (inc. Kohen/Levi/Israel)
- The baby's mother
- The baby's maternal grandmother
Sponsoring a Kiddush following the service
(Your Kiddush must be Parev only. NO DAIRY AT ALL.)
You are welcome to sponsor a regular Shabbos Kiddush in honour of your baby naming with a set fee paid to the Shul and the Kiddush provided in-house.
If you would like to bring some additional friends and family to Shul, simply let the office know and they will advise you of the total cost.
You are also welcome to add some soft drinks and alcohol yourselves to the Kiddush as these are not covered in the standard fee or menu.
Another option you can choose is to cater the baby naming as a separate and special event Kiddush. For this, you may use an external Kosher caterer whereby no fee is paid to the Shul for the Kiddush.
You/your caterer need to supply food, drinks and disposables for 120 ppl plus your guests.
All catering, drinks and paper goods can be delivered into our storeroom/cool room the day before the baby naming - just email the office for instructions.
Let us know if you would like to hire our kitchen helper for the day to setup and clear away your Kiddush.
Any questions just ask [email protected].