If you have an upcoming Bat Mitzvah in your family, we at Nefesh would love to help you arrange it. 
Together with Rabbi and Nechama Dina Moss, we can help you decide on a date for your Bat Mitzvah, recommend a Bat Mitzvah teacher or course and arrange the ceremony and celebration. 
The time allocated to a Bat Mitzvah presentation/Dvar Torah is on a Friday night prior to the Nefesh Shul service.
Please discuss with the office and Rabbi Moss if you would like to hold your Bat Mitzvah instead at another time of the week. 

Sponsoring a Kiddush following the service

Your Kiddush must be Parev only (NO DAIRY) and supplied by a kosher approved caterer. 

You/your caterer must provide food, drinks and disposables for 100 ppl (Friday Night) + your guests. 

Everything for your kiddush can be delivered to Shul the day before.  

On the day, your Kiddush will need to be setup inside Shul at the conclusion of the service.

Please email [email protected] if you would like to hire our kitchen helper.