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The New Nefesh Centre
The Nefesh Library and Community Centre invites you to come and enjoy our extensive collection of Jewish literature, attend a class or a service, or hold your next function.

Nefesh is your centre, and we are here to help you on your soul journey, wherever you come from and wherever you are headed.
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There is spirituality that is lofty and floats way above your head. Then there is Nefesh.
Nefesh means ‘soul’ in Hebrew. But more specifically, Nefesh refers to the level of the soul that enlivens the body, the interface between spirit and matter. It is down to earth spirituality. Soul you can get your teeth into. Nefesh is where the soul finds its grounding. Every service, event, class is an attempt to bring down spiritual truths in a way that can relate to you as you are, right here, right now. Welcome to the Nefesh experience.
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Nefesh Library & Community Centre